Tag: sourcecode

More Memory Leak Troubleshooting

Recently, I have been doing a lot of Memory troubleshooting.

Here are some windbg commands that helped:

Load the sos module (for .Net 4.0)

.loadby sos clr

List all of my object specific to my program:

!dumpheap -stat -type <parent namespace>

List all the instances of a particular object:

!dumpheap -type <namespace>.<object class name>

List references to the object:

!gcroot <address>

Break on garbage collection:

!findroots gen any

List references to the obect (must break in garbage collection):

!findroots <address>

Show sizes in the memory:


List large strings in memory:

!dumpheap -type System.String -min 10000

Then, I also found that you can use the SOS module with within Visual Studio.  First, in the project settings, I had to go to the Debug tab and check “Enable unmanaged code debugging” under “Enable Debuggers”.  Then, in the immediate window, I could run the following command:

.load sos

I thought my problem seemed to be related to the Data Grid view just like this forum post.  The post lists a code fix, but my problem is finding out where I place the code.  This blog mentions putting the code in the Form Close, but my problem is during the execution of the program.

Actually, it ended up being that I was loading a hidden column into the grid that was taking a lot of memory.  I had a Select * SQL statement, and I had to list only the fields that I wanted in memory.


UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler Resources

Step By Step: PeopleTools 8.51 Upgrade (Part 1)

I wanted to test drive the new PeopleTools 8.51, and I decided to try it in a copy of my personal HCM 9.0 Environment.  In addition, I thought this would make a great Step-By-Step article.  Please comment on anything you see that I missed.

To do this, I am following the “Enterprise PeopleTools 8.51 Update” document from Oracle.

Just to give you an idea of what I have running — this is an image with PeopleTools 8.49.12.  It already has WebLogic, PIA, the app server, and batch server running fine.

This first part is just preparing for the upgrade.

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Tip: Comparing Trace Files

Trace files can give a lot of nice troubleshooting information, sometimes too much.  Sometimes, you may have a situation where a problem occurs in one system but not in another.  You could run a trace in both systems, but comparing those trace files is difficult.  Each line has a timestamp, which will be different in each file.

Here is a trick for getting rid of those timestamps.  Here is the source:

sed : Remove first 4 letters in each line

Of course, you need Linux, Unix, or Cygwin for this — something with the sed program.  Here is the command:

sed 's/^.\{51\}//g' "mytrace.tracesql" > modtrace.tracesql

For example, here are the first few lines of a trace file:

PSAPPSRV.248 (181) 	 1-1      10.24.26             Cur#1.248.FSDEV90 RC=0 Dur=0.001000 COM Stmt=SELECT VERSION FROM PSVERSION WHERE OBJECTTYPENAME = 'SYS'
PSAPPSRV.248 (181) 	 1-3      10.24.26    0.000000 Cur#1.248.FSDEV90 RC=0 Dur=0.000000 Bind-1 type=8 length=4 value=214748355

After running the command, here is what it looks like:

Cur#1.248.FSDEV90 RC=0 Dur=0.000000 Bind-1 type=8 length=4 value=214748355

Now, you can use a tool like Beyond Compare or Meld to compare the trace files without the timestamp.  If you don’t have a compare tool, look here.

skp@pecan: ~-Downloads_857

Explorations in Component Interface: Handling Component Interface Errors

This is a continuation of the following posts:

The plan this time is to try to see how well we can handle errors.  I have been having trouble with some of my production programs crashing when I have taken all the necessary steps to trap and handle the error.  So, we’ll see how this goes …

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Arrays Question

This post is to address a question posed in one of the comments on another post.  The answer is a little too in-depth for a comment reply.  Also, I had been wanting to blog more about arrays anyway.

Here is the question:

Hi i have seen your comment on Arrays.
i need your guidence on creating array and using it in Peoplecode App package.
I have some logic written in SQR. Same thing i want create in App Package which can be used.
Let me brief you my requirement.
i have several parameters to be stored in an array which i will get from different validations and SQL tables for employees.which i will store it in a array. After finishing validations for all the employees i have pass those employee id and details some other system so i want to replicate in App package using Array can you guide me how i can design it in App package.

I also decided to use my step-by-step that I just completed.  So, this answer will build on that post.

Listening to the requirements, I don’t think that we need to extend the array object like the post that this comment was on.  At most, I think we might want to create an employee object that will store all of the fields (or parameters as the requirements call them) needed.

So, I am creating a new Application Package called BLG_BLOGGING.  Then, I am inserting a new Application Class called “EmployeeObject”:

Then, I created three properties in that class to hold three parameters relating to an employee.  I did not specify the “get” or “set” keywords so I don’t have to create getter and setter methods.  This is the easiest way to add properties to a class because you don’t have to write any code for the properties.  Here is the code:

class EmployeeObject
   property string EmployeeID;
   property string FirstName;
   property string LastName;

Then, in the Application Engine program, you have to import your new class.  This statement does nothing more than tell the program you are going to use this class later on.

import BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject;

Here are the different variables that we will need.

Local File &log;
Local BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject &emp;
Local array of BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject &ary;
Local number &x;

This code creates an empty array.  We need to pass it a copy of the employee object just so it knows what data type will be stored in the array.  It will not actually store anything in the array at this point.

&emp = create BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject();
&ary = CreateArrayRept(&emp, 0);

Here is where we load the first employee into the array.  We set all of the properties, and then, we use the push() method to insert it into the array.

&emp.EmployeeID = "001";
&emp.FirstName = "Bob";
&emp.LastName = "Tomato";
&log.WriteLine("Added Bob Tomato -- length = " | &ary.Len);

Then, we repeat that with another employee.

&emp = create BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject();
&emp.EmployeeID = "002";
&emp.FirstName = "Larry";
&emp.LastName = "Cucumber";
&log.WriteLine("Added Larry Cucumber -- length = " | &ary.Len);

Finally, we add a third employee just to give us some data.

&emp = create BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject();
&emp.EmployeeID = "003";
&emp.FirstName = "Lunt";
&emp.LastName = "Squash";
&log.WriteLine("Added Lunt Squash -- length = " | &ary.Len);

Then, we need to loop through the array to show what it contains.  The Get() method accesses one of the elements in the array.  It does not remove the element from the array.

&log.WriteLine("Employees: ");
For &x = 1 To &ary.Len
     &emp = &ary.Get(&x);
     &log.WriteLine("  " | &emp.EmployeeID | ") " | &emp.LastName | ", " | &emp.FirstName);

Final Solution

Here is the Application Package, Employee Object:

class EmployeeObject
   property string EmployeeID;
   property string FirstName;
   property string LastName;

Here is the App Engine Program:

import BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject;

Local File &log;
Local BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject &emp;
Local array of BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject &ary;
Local number &x;

&log = GetFile("c:\temp\log.txt", "W", "A", %FilePath_Absolute);

&emp = create BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject();
&ary = CreateArrayRept(&emp, 0);

&emp.EmployeeID = "001";
&emp.FirstName = "Bob";
&emp.LastName = "Tomato";
&log.WriteLine("Added Bob Tomato -- length = " | &ary.Len);

&emp = create BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject();
&emp.EmployeeID = "002";
&emp.FirstName = "Larry";
&emp.LastName = "Cucumber";
&log.WriteLine("Added Larry Cucumber -- length = " | &ary.Len);

&emp = create BLG_BLOGGING:EmployeeObject();
&emp.EmployeeID = "003";
&emp.FirstName = "Lunt";
&emp.LastName = "Squash";
&log.WriteLine("Added Lunt Squash -- length = " | &ary.Len);

&log.WriteLine("Employees: ");
For &x = 1 To &ary.Len
     &emp = &ary.Get(&x);
     &log.WriteLine("  " | &emp.EmployeeID | ") " | &emp.LastName | ", " | &emp.FirstName);


Here is the final output:

Added Bob Tomato -- length = 1
Added Larry Cucumber -- length = 2
Added Lunt Squash -- length = 3

  001) Tomato, Bob
  002) Cucumber, Larry
  003) Squash, Lunt

Step-by-Step: App Engine for Testing PeopleCode

This is a how-to post that I intend to refer back to from time to time.  The goal is to create a simple Application Engine program into which we can drop some PeopleCode and see how it works.  Assuming we don’t need any of the online pieces, this is much easier than going through all of the steps to create a page and register it so we can see it online.

Step 1: Create a new Application Engine Program

In Application Designer, click Ctrl + N or use the File > New menu option.  This will open the “New” dialog, and you can choose Application Engine program from the list.

You new program should look like this:

Step 2: Disable Restart

This step is very important.  If you don’t disable the restart and your program crashes, you will have to go through a few extra steps before you can rerun it.

First, click on the properties button while your program is in focus (you can also use the File > Definition Properties menu):

This should bring up the Properties dialog.  Then, go to the Advanced tab.  Check the “Disable Restart” option.

Step 3: Add an Action

First, click on the “Step 1” step to select it.  I usually click anywhere in the gray, and this should turn it black.

Next, click on the Add Action button, or you can use the Insert > Action menu.

Finally, change the type from SQL to PeopleCode.

Step 4: Save the program

At this point, you need to save before you can add PeopleCode.  You can use Ctrl + S, click on the Save icon on the toolbar, or you can use the File > Save menu.

Step 5: Enter the PeopleCode

First, open the PeopleCode program by double clicking anywhere on the gray of the PeopleCode action.  Or, you can right click on it and choose the “View PeopleCode” option.

Next, you will probably want to open a file to show output from your PeopleCode testing.  You can use this PeopleCode:

Local File &log;
&log = GetFile("c:\temp\log.txt", "W", "A", %Filepath_Absolute);

Then, you can print to that file with the writeline() method.  For now, we will just print Hello, World.

&log.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

Finally, you will probably want to close your file:


Here is what it all looks like:

Make sure to save once you make these changes.

Step 6: Run the Program

Again, after you have saved, go back to the main program window where you can see the Main section, Step 1, and your new PeopleCode action.  Then, click the run icon.

In the dialog, Check the Output log to file and uncheck Run Minimized.  The output log to file allows you to see what happened.  Otherwise, the window will close before you see what happened.  The run minimized isn’t a big deal, but if the program doesn’t run minimized you see it pop up and go away better.  When the program goes away, you know it is done running.

Finally, when it is done, check the output.  If you used the paths that I did your output should be in the c:\temp directory.  You should have two files.  The first, is the main output from the program.  Check this to make sure the program ran to success:

The second is the log that your PeopleCode created.  For now, it should just say, “Hello, World”.

Using Vim to Count Patterns

The other day, I posted a trick on using Vim with flat files.  Well, today, I wanted to count the number of times certain data conditions appeared in my file.  I created statistics on my program to show the count, but I wanted to check them to make sure the code was right.  I found this command would do the trick in Vim:


The “s” is the part that does a search and replace, but the “n” tells it to only count the matches rather than replace it with anything.  So, if I wanted to count the number of lines with “0” in the 123rd position, I would use this:


Here is where I found the trick:

Wiki Technology – Vim: Count number of matches of a pattern

Evaluate in SQR

I did a quick little test on the Evaluate syntax in SQR.  I can’t ever remember how the break statement works and if it is required.  So, here is the test —

Here is the code:

  move 1 to #test
  while #test < 6
    show 'Test = ' #test
    evaluate #test
      when = 1
      when = 2
        show 'evaluated as 1 or 2'
      when = 3
        show 'evaluated as 3'
      when = 4
        show 'evaluated as 4'
        show 'evaluated as other'
    add 1 to #test

Here is the output:

Test = 1.000000
evaluated as 1 or 2
Test = 2.000000
evaluated as 1 or 2
Test = 3.000000
evaluated as 3
Test = 4.000000
evaluated as 4
Test = 5.000000
evaluated as other

Vim Search in Flat Files

I have been working with Flat Files recently, and I found Vim Search patterns can help with finding certain conditions within the file.  This pattern works very well:


Searches for n number of the preceding pattern.

For example, say you want to find any lines in the file that have a “2” in the 51st position of the file.  You can use this pattern:


So, this matches 50 characters of anything and a “2” following.


Softpanorama: Vim Regular Expressions