I find myself adding these same lines of code in the PreBuild of every fluid component. (As Jim Marion would say, there’s no such thing as a Fluid page, and I would get in trouble for my title.) Normally, I would open another component and copy and paste, but when I move to a new client, that becomes problematic. So, here’s the code for easy copying…
SSL Certificate for Browser
This message gets annoying working with PUM images. The browser complains about the SSL certificate even though it’s just a temporary one and you’re not working on production or sensitive data.

So, I worked through telling my browser to trust the certificate. Here are my notes…
Setting up CS PUM #28
It’s time to play with Campus. I set up a PUM image to use as a sandbox for experiments and playing around. So, here are my notes on some of the different things that I did to get it running.
Finding Integration Broker Keystore Password
I ran into an issue where I couldn’t figure out the keystore password. I thought for sure that the PUM configuration script asked me for a password. Apparently, it didn’t. Here’s how I figured out.
Fluid Grids
What better way is there to learn than to learn by example. I wanted to find some example of different types of Fluid grids. So, here’s my exploration to find some grids that PeopleSoft built and delivers in the HCM PUM.
App Designer on Ubuntu 20.04
It’s been a while since my last notes on installing App Designer. Here’s my notes one more time on my new laptop with Ubuntu 20.04.
Adding a Tablespace to a PUM
Somehow I misplaced or mistyped the SYS password on the last PUM install that I did. I learned a few things as a result…
Oracle is using Container Database technology. It made things a little challenging.
I should have been able to connect with:
sqlplus SYS@HR92U092 as sysdba
Inspecting the environment, it looks like the database name is CDHCM.
[oracle2@ps ~]$ ps -ef | grep pmon oracle2 3691 1 0 Sep26 ? 00:00:40 ora_pmon_CDBHCM oracle2 32310 23161 0 01:35 pts/0 00:00:00 grep pmon [oracle2@ps ~]$ cat /proc/3691/environ | xargs -0 -n1 | grep ORACLE ORACLE_SID=CDBHCM ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/psft/db/oracle-server/ ORACLE_SPAWNED_PROCESS=1
So, I can log in using OS security:
su - oracle2 export ORACLE_SID=CDBHCM sqlplus / as sysdba
I can see where all of the data files are located at this point:
select file#, name from v$datafile
I can see that all of the data files are located in the directory:
At this point, if you create the tablespace, it will go into the root container instead of the PeopleSoft database. If you already did it, you’ll need to delete the tablespace first:
drop tablespace GTCAPP including contents and datafiles;
You can see the list of databases in the root container:
You have to switch over to the PeopleSoft database with an alter session command:
SQL> show con_name; CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT SQL> alter session set container = HR92U027; Session altered. SQL> show con_name; CON_NAME ------------------------------ HR92U027
Here’s the tablespace that I am trying to create:
Now that the tablespace is created from the Oracle Database point of view, I can move on to the PeopleSoft point of view. The tablespace needs to be added on the page: PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Tablespace Utilities
- DB Visit Blog: What’s going on? “Connected to an idle instance”, but database is running.
- Database Administrator’s Guide: Datafiles Data Dictionary Views
- Database Administrator’s Guide: 43 Viewing Information About CDBs and PDBs with SQL*Plus
- Database Administrator’s Guide: Tablespace Data Dictionary Views
- Oracle Base: Multitenant : Manage Tablespaces in a Container Database (CDB) and Pluggable Database (PDB) in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1)
PeopleTools Client with Wine
One of the shortcommings to using Ubuntu Linux as my main OS is not being able to run Application Designer. Using Wine, I am now able to run it on my laptop. If you were to translate the Ubuntu specific commands over to Oracle Linux and install an XWindows desktop on the PUM, you could get App Designer running there, too.
PeopleCode Evaluate
A question came up today that I have wondered about for a while: how does break and evaluate work in PeopleCode? I think I have been telling it wrong, so I decided to do a little experiment.
Note: This test uses the Unit Test Framework.
Viewing HTML Compare Reports on Linux
While working on an upgrade, I wanted to review a project using the Web Compare Reports. The problem is that my laptop is Linux, and the reports require Internet Explorer. Here’s what I did to kind of get it to work…