Great Links: Oracle Database Administration Commands

This article is just to remember some links that I found while working on some database issues.  Maybe they will help someone else:

Viewing the Large Pool Size (from here):

SELECT name, SUM(bytes) FROM V$SGASTAT WHERE pool='large pool'

Here are the command to view the different memory related settings/parameters (from here):

show parameter sga_target

show sga

show parameter pool

Flushing cache, etc. (from here)

alter system flush buffer_cache;

alter system flush shared_pool;

alter system switch log_file;


Integration Broker error: Cannot establish HTTP connection

I have been fighting with this error message:

IB Error: Cannot  establish HTTP connection

Here’s the text of the message:

Cannot establish HTTP connection (158, 2842)

Can be cause by any of the following:
1. Cannot load certificates due to keystore password (not encrypted)
2. Keystore file not found
3. Proxy server not configured

Finding IB Logging

One thing I found was the error log thanks to the PeopleSoft wiki.  The wiki has a very good article on Integration Broker Logging.

For me, the logs where located at:

  • http://skphcm90/PSIGW/errorLog.html
  • http://skphcm90/PSIGW/msgLog.html

On the Advanced Properties page, I adjusted the ig.log.level from 2 to 5:

IB Setting Log Level

While that was a good tip to learn, that didn’t really help me.  It didn’t produce any extra information.

Finding a Solution

I actually found my solution on Oracle support in article [ID 1270683.1].

The fix is back on the Advanced Gateway Properties.  Go to PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Gateways and click on the Gateway Setup Properties.

Gateway Properties

After logging in, click on the Advanced Properties Page link:

Advanced Properties Page

Then, find the secureFileKeystorePasswd option and copy the password down to the Password Encryption box.  Next, click the Encrypt button to get your encrypted version.

Copying password for IB

Finally, copy the encrypted version back up to the setting.

Applying Encrypted Password

Click OK, and exit out of the Gateway setup saving along the way.  Now, your error should be fixed!

Integration Broker: Message Already Used in WSDL

I ran across this error message the other day, and my web search didn’t return any results.  So, in case anyone else tries the same thing, here’s some info …

Error Message:

Message cannot be changed. Message used in exported WSDL.

Message cannot be changed. Message used in exported WSDL.

If you are like me, you want to change this message that you created, but you can’t.  The message is read only because you just created a WSDL.

You can delete the WSDL at: PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Service Administration

Service Administration where you can delete your WSDL

You just search for your Service that includes the Message.  Then, you check the box for that service and click the delete button.  Now, you can head back to your message and you should find that you can edit it!

Configuring Integration Broker for PTF

Before you can start using the PeopleSoft Testing Framework, you have to get Integration Broker setup.  The last post walked you through installing the PTF client.  This one shows how I configured Integration Broker so that I could login with the client.

Much of this information is from PeopleSoft Test Framework Installation Guide.  PeopleBooks is also another good resource if you are looking for more help.

Read More

PTF Startup Error

This is a nice introduction to PTF as I have started playing with it.  Fortunately, the fix turned out pretty simple, so I thought it would make a nice simple blog post.

Here’s the error message:

If you have trouble viewing the image, it reads:

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.  If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Documents and Settings\psadmin\Application Data\PeopleSoft\PeopleSoft Test Framework\localoptions.xml’.

When I looked for the directory, the folder does not exist:

The simple fix: Create the path manually:

Now, it starts (and, it creates the localoptions.xml):

Review: Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management 9.1

I have been working my way through “Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management 9.1 Implementation“, and it has been a great experience for me.  For once, I get a beginner’s introduction to the system rather than trial by fire.  The book does a great job describing how PeopleSoft Financials works and how the modules fit together.  It is a first of its kind in the area of PeopleSoft Financials books.

While this book does not or could not ever give you all you need know about PeopleSoft Financials, it does give you a strong foundation.  No book nor person could contain everything about this system because it is so large, but this book is a definite starting point.  I would recommend it to anyone who is either starting a job where they will use PeopleSoft Financials or anyone going through a Financials implementation.  This book will give you the fundamentals that you need and provide a reference to understand why things work the way they do.

This book is definitely up to date as you can tell by the screen shots.  The book has plenty of graphics to let you know what the various pages look like as you read.  All of the shots reflect the new look delivered by PeopleSoft 8.5x.  The one thing I didn’t see is specific mention of new features delivered in Financials 9.1.  So, the book is geared toward a person new to financials or someone looking for a system overview rather than a person looking for new features after an upgrade from an older PeopleSoft release.

Chapter one did a great job providing an overview and foundation for the rest of the book.  I felt it was a bit long, but there was a lot to cover.  Next the security chapter gives you a good view of how security works in PeopleSoft applications and it also explains the preferences settings that go along with security.  The following chapters walk through the key modules: Billing, Accounts Receivable, Asset Management, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Expenses, and Commitment Control.  Each chapter tied the module in with the rest of the system, explained the main setup options, and showed the pages used to make it work.

One of the key features of this book was the real-world examples and situations.  The author did a good job of explaining situations in which one would use these features.  You can always go to PeopleBooks and read about what the pages do, but the author provides additional value by showing you how you use the pages of the application to accomplish a business goal.  Throughout the book, you will find “Implementation challenges” where you apply what you have just read in a read-world situation.

The book seemed thorough to me.  It covered many of the functional areas where I have done development work, and I was glad to understand the functional side of those areas much better.  For example, the Expenses module was very interesting to me.  Purchasing and Pay Cycle information was something I was looking for, and while they were mentioned, I learned from a friend that those are more Procurement topics which are outside the scope of the book.  So, the book did a tremendous job at covering such a huge system.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn the basics of PeopleSoft Financials.  It will give you a great overview of the system and is the best starting place I know. Check it out!