Exploring Vagrant with Ubuntu and Oracle XE

I ran across Andrej Koelewijn’s article about Vagrant over a year ago, and I have been wanting to explore it ever since.  I do a lot of playing around with different things, and Vagrant looked like it would be a cool, quick way to spin up a new image of an OS.  I would love to get it to the point of being able to spin up an instance of PeopleSoft.  I am no where near there now, though.

This is just my first run through.  I set an easy goal of trying to get Oracle XE running on Ubuntu via the repositories.  Unfortunately, I learned that that repository isn’t worth the time.  Still, it was a fruitful exercise, and I definitely will be playing around more with Vagrant.

Follow along if you like…

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Step By Step Install: Installing Tuxedo

This is a continuation of my Step By Step PeopleTools 8.52 installation.  Previously, I created the database.  This should be a pretty straight forward step.  You just have to install the Tuxedo software, but then, you also need to install the latest “rolling patch”.  My only problem is that I breezed through this and didn’t keep my notes well.  I thought that I had installed the patch, but it doesn’t look like I did.  Furthermore, I had an error with the installation, and it wasn’t worth my time fixing it.  Maybe this will at least give you an idea of what is involved.

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PeopleCode: Unzipping

I come upon a requirement to unzip a file in a platform independent way.  Jim Marion got me most of the way, but his code didn’t write it to file.  Here’s my adjustment to make a function that wrote it to file:

Function unzip(&inputZipFile, &targetDir)
  Local JavaObject &zipFileInputStream = CreateJavaObject("java.io.FileInputStream", &inputZipFile);
  Local JavaObject &zipInputStream = CreateJavaObject("java.util.zip.ZipInputStream", &zipFileInputStream);
  Local JavaObject &zipEntry = &zipInputStream.getNextEntry();
  Local JavaObject &buf = CreateJavaArray("byte[]", 1024);
  Local number &byteCount;

  While &zipEntry <> Null

    If (&zipEntry.isDirectory()) Then
      REM ** do nothing;
      Local JavaObject &outFile = CreateJavaObject("java.io.File", &targetDir | &zipEntry.getName());
      Local JavaObject &out = CreateJavaObject("java.io.FileOutputStream", &outFile);
      &byteCount = &zipInputStream.read(&buf);

      While &byteCount > 0
        &out.write(&buf, 0, &byteCount);
        &byteCount = &zipInputStream.read(&buf);


    &zipEntry = &zipInputStream.getNextEntry();


unzip("/tmp/myzipfile.zip", "/tmp/out");


Book Review: Governance, Risk, and Compliance Handbook for Oracle Applications

 Just recently, I had the opportunity to review this book: Governance, Risk, and Compliance Handbook for Oracle Applications.

The book was very interesting and covered a broad range of information regarding governance, risk, and compliance.  It was very good at giving a high level picture that could span across a broad organization.

Multiple applications were mentioned.  Hyperion, Oracle Applications, and of course Oracle GRC were mentioned with screenshots.  The book didn’t dive into specific step by step detail, but it did give some screenshots and just enough detail to accomplish the best practices.

All in all, I felt that this was a good book to paint the big picture and help implement best practices in the area of GRC.

If you’re interested, please check it out here at Packt.