Author: digitaleagle

Good Looking Messages

I have often wanted to display an informational message at the top of the page.  Rather than just slap a Long Edit Box at the top of the screen, I decided to look for a nice looking way to do it.  One of the great things about PeopleSoft, it always has an example somewhere in the huge product for what you are trying to do.

Here are some of the messages that I found:

Information Message:


Here are the different pieces:

  • Stylesheet of the page: SSS_STYLESHEET
  • Group Box:
    • Body Stylesheet: SSSMSGINFOFRAME
  • Static Image:
    • Size: 23×23
  • Static Text:

Alert Message:


Here are the different pieces:

  • Page Stylesheet: SSS_STYLESHEET
  • Group Box
    • Body Stylesheet: SSSMSGALERTFRAME
  • Push Button (for the image, you could use a static icon instead)
    • Size: Large Icon
  • Long Edit Box (works the same as the static textbox, but lets you change it from code)
    • Stylesheet: SSSMSGALERTTEXT
    • No Label

Great Link: Combined Sections Video

Today, I was doing some research on how Combined Sections work.  I found this video from the University of Southern Mississippi:

PeopleSoft Class Schedule Entry: Combined Section

Watching the video helped me figure out what I needed to do.  The version was a little old, but I found the same page at Curriculum Management > Combined Sections > Identify Combined Sections (in version 9.0).

It looks like there are a lot more videos here that might prove helpful in the future, so I am bookmarking this page!

University of Southern Mississippi: PeopleSoft Class Schedule Entry

UPK Publish Preview Problem

I have been learning the Oracle UPK product recently, and I was having trouble with the publish preview.  I was getting this error message: “preview requires intranet settings to be enabled. These settings are located on the security tab in the Internet Settings of Internet Explorer.”.

I found a post that gave some options for fixing this.  Unfortunately, I did not see the “Automatically detect intranet network” option that they were talking about.  I was running Internet Explorer 7, and I think my problem was that my OS was Windows Server 2003.  I think the Enhanced Internet Explorer Security was enabled, but I looked to try to see if I could uninstall it.  I also tried changing my default browser to Firefox, but it still opens IE to launch the preview.

The solution that ended up working was simply upgrading to Internet Explorer 8.  I am curious if anyone else has had the same problem and how they fixed it.

News: SAP Making Tracks

I ran across these two articles today:

If SAP does buy Sybase that will put them in line with Oracle as far as owning both the database platform and the Application part.  I don’t know that much about SAP, but I was thinking they used Java in their framework.  I am curious about their feeling on Oracle owning Java.

Using Vim to Count Patterns

The other day, I posted a trick on using Vim with flat files.  Well, today, I wanted to count the number of times certain data conditions appeared in my file.  I created statistics on my program to show the count, but I wanted to check them to make sure the code was right.  I found this command would do the trick in Vim:


The “s” is the part that does a search and replace, but the “n” tells it to only count the matches rather than replace it with anything.  So, if I wanted to count the number of lines with “0” in the 123rd position, I would use this:


Here is where I found the trick:

Wiki Technology – Vim: Count number of matches of a pattern

Extracurricular at Oracle

I came across a link to Team Oracle the other day.  I didn’t realize that they have their own Air Show team!  I’ll have to watch the schedule to see if I can catch them in our area.

While we are on the topic, I did already know that Oracle has their own Yacht Racing team.  You can check out BMW Oracle Racing here.

Now, we just need a Basketball team!  We could have Oracle Arena and the mascot could be the CPU Chips.  Maybe that is too much imagination.

Evaluate in SQR

I did a quick little test on the Evaluate syntax in SQR.  I can’t ever remember how the break statement works and if it is required.  So, here is the test —

Here is the code:

  move 1 to #test
  while #test < 6
    show 'Test = ' #test
    evaluate #test
      when = 1
      when = 2
        show 'evaluated as 1 or 2'
      when = 3
        show 'evaluated as 3'
      when = 4
        show 'evaluated as 4'
        show 'evaluated as other'
    add 1 to #test

Here is the output:

Test = 1.000000
evaluated as 1 or 2
Test = 2.000000
evaluated as 1 or 2
Test = 3.000000
evaluated as 3
Test = 4.000000
evaluated as 4
Test = 5.000000
evaluated as other