Step By Step

Step By Step LogoThis page is a list of the articles written as a step by step guide.  Most of these articles are written in a series of articles because they are usually too large for a single article.

Please feel free to comment on anything you see that I have done wrong.  I expect to learn about as much doing these articles as I help others with the information.

Fresh PeopleTools 8.52 on Windows 8

Upgrading to PeopleTools 8.51

This is a walk through of taking an image with PeopleTools 8.49/HRMS 9.0 and installing the latest version of PeopleTools on it.

Application Engine

These guides help with coding Application Engine programs or demonstrate PeopleCode inside of an Application Engine program.

Explorations in Component Interface

I created these posts hoping to reproduce a bug or two in PeopleTools.  It didn’t quite work out as expected, but maybe the exercises will help others.

Virtual PeopleSoft Installation

This was an attempt to build a PeopleSoft image on top of Linux using all free software.  It was an attempt not for a production environment but for a place for experimentation and development.  Unfortunately, I was not able to finish it.  Hopefully, what I was able to get finished helps others.

15 thoughts on “Step By Step

  1. This PSST0101, I think it can work. I just started a PeopleSoft FSCM 9 build on Fedora 10(Dell XPS M1530). I’m connect thru the network from a old PENT4 hp desktop that has xp pro / oracle 10g / fscm9. And, yes this is the slow way of doing it. I just had problems with SQLPLUS in linux and didn’t feel like trying to figure why some commands weren’t working. I am hoping this build will work all the way through PIA and login to PeopleSoft. Than I will only need the PeopleSoft tools App Designer, Data Mover, etc… I would like to use data mover to build the database, as it will create dms for you and you don’t have edit the delivered scripts . I know. You still have to edit some a little. I’d really liked the comment about java and Tuxedo. I had problems in Ubuntu 8 and didn’t understand that Tuxedo needed other java. I pulled the hard drive and put in another. I tried the VMWare in vista and didn’t like it as vista ultm takes so much memory and cpu time. I have learned alot and have much more to go. I started this learning experience 2 months ago. With the help of many on web, I have installed Oracle and FSCM 9 on XP Pro, Oracle on Ubuntu 8, Oracle on Fedora 10, Oracle with VistaVMWareOEL4 . Yes. I am new to this. I’ve been around PeopleSoft since PeopleSoft 6. But in functional and application security roles. I’ll get back later with progress of PSST0101. Cliff Moore

  2. Hello. do you know the solution for this error…. error while loading shared libraries Cliff Moore

  3. Do you have the time to give a brief description of the default folders from a peopletools install? I am currently on 8.47.16 (windows and SQL 2000)

    We are working on doing an upgrade, I have no documentation on a past Hx of installs…and have a lot of extra folders / files.

    I am trying to slowly determine what is needed (customizations) vs. old stuff vs. just end user stuff that is probably not needed…

    I have searched and cannot really find a general description for each directory that is created in the PT’s install.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  4. Hey great blog – it’s great to create an instance with all freely downloadable software.
    A couple of questions before I get started – are you running a client from within the VM or is it intended as a server only?

    What sort of hardware are you running this on?

    Have you had a go at 8.5/9.1 with the same setup?


  5. Sorry Sean, a little late on this response.

    My intent was to be able to run a client from within the VM, but I don’t think that will happen. From everything that I have seen, Application Designer does not run under Wine. Until I can figure that out, I will have to stick with a separate Windows VM on which I can run the client.

    My hardware is a Dell Inspiron 1720 Laptop. It has 4GB of RAM and is currently running Ubuntu 9.10 Linux (At the time of most of the above posts, it was running 9.04). It is definitely not production quality, but it works for tinkering purposes.

    I did a first pass at Tools 8.50. My hard drive was going bad, so I did a quick pass to see how far I could get before I had to send the laptop in for repair. I learned the hard way, that for Linux, you must have a 64bit OS. So, I have my laptop back from repair now, and I installed the 64bit version of Ubuntu on my laptop, but I haven’t had time to give it another go. I thought I would tinker with Oracle’s delivered images first to see what I could do, then, I would give it another try.

  6. Hi Steve,

    My requirement is to create a new sys database for Performance Monitor. I can manage the installing of tuxedo, weblogic, app servers and PIA, the database creation is the grey area for me. I already got my dba to create a new Oracle database. Do I need to follow only Application Install and Database creation from the above steps? if not which of the above steps should I follow ? and in what order ? Pls help.


    1. Dave,

      You do need to do the database creation part unless your DBA was able to create the tables, views, etc that should exist in the PeopleSoft database. Building the database could probably be broken into two parts. First, PeopleSoft provides scripts for creating the database. Your DBA has probably done some of these, but I would suggest you sit down with your DBA and review those scripts. For example, has he create the “people” user? The second part is running the data mover tool that builds that database. This tool is what creates all of the tables, and it also loads some of the necessary data into the tables.

      As for the order, I would recommend installing things in the order of the Install Guide provided by PeopleSoft. That way you won’t forget anything. But basically, I think they do the middleware first: Tuxedo, Weblogic, etc. Then, you need to install both the PeopleTools CD and the Application CD before you can proceed with database creation, PIA install, and application server install. The application CD contains the information that the database creation step needs to create the tables in the database required by the application. Of course, if you try to create the application server before creating the database, you won’t be able to test starting it because it can’t connect to the database. The PIA installer is placed in the PeopleSoft home by the PeopleTools install CD and you won’t be able to test it until you have created the application server.

      I hope that answers most of you questions. Please post back if I can help further.



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