This is a quick blurb about an installation problem that I ran into. Unfortunately, I didn’t get screenshots grabbed or exact error messages written down, but maybe this will still help.
The first problem was that near the end of the PeopleTools 8.53 Installer, the program gave me a window describing the usage options for the Windows installer. It was like the PeopleTools installer had called another installer but hadn’t passed the correct arguments. I got the window twice, so I am thinking that it tried to call it twice.

The next problem was that App Designer wouldn’t start. I didn’t try any of the other client programs like Data Mover, but I suspect that they would not have worked either. The error message was something about a missing DLL file.
The PeopleTools install notes had a note about the VC++ Run Time. (Page 142 of the PDF / 116 on paper of the Oracle Database one.) The solution was to simply install the Microsoft Windows machine’s CRT files. The installer is located in <PS_HOME>\setup\psvccrt. I was on a 32-bit machine, so I just ran the psvccrt_retail.msi.