Category: Uncategorized

PeopleTools Reference: Meta-Data — Object Type

The PeopleTools project-related tables contain a field called OBJECTTYPE. The field is a number field, which means that it cannot have translate values. This list shows what the numbers mean.

You can build the list yourself by running a compare report in Application Designer. The report files contain both the number and the description of the object type. But, this list should save you the time.

00 Records
01 Indexes
02 Fields
03 Field Formats
04 Translate Values
05 Pages
06 Menus
07 Components
08 Record People Code
09 Menu People Code
10 Queries
11 Tree Structures
14 Colors
15 Styles
17 Business Processes
18 Activities
20 Process Definitions
21 Server Definitions
22 Process Type Definitions
23 Job Definitions
24 Recurrence Definitions
29 Business Interlink
30 SQL
31 File Layout Definitions
32 Component Interfaces
33 Application Engine Programs
34 Application Engine Sections
35 Message Nodes
36 Message Channels
37 Messages
38 Approval Rule Sets
39 Message People Code
40 Subscription People Code
42 Comp Interface People Code
43 Application Engine People Co
44 Page People Code
45 Page Field People Code
46 Component People Code
47 Component Record People Code
48 Component Record Field People Code
49 Images
50 Style Sheets
53 Permission Lists
54 Portal Registry Definitions
55 Portal Registry Structures
56 URL Definitions
57 Application Packages
58 Application Package People Code
59 Portal Registry User Homepag
60 Analytic Types
61 Archive Templates
62 XS LT
63 Portal Registry User Favorit
64 Mobile Pages
65 Relationships
66 CI Property People Code
67 Optimization Models
68 File References
69 File Type Codes
70 Archive Object Definitions
71 Archive Templates( Type2)
72 Diagnostic Plug- Ins
73 Analytic Models
75 Java Portlet User Preference
76 WSRP Remote Producers
77 WSRP Remote Portlets
78 WSRP Cloned Portlet Handles

PeopleTools Tip: Bypassing App Designer Login App…

PeopleTools Tip: Bypassing App Designer Login

Application Designer has command line options that allow you to specify the login information. This would allow you to create a shortcut on the desktop or in the Start Menu that automatically logs into an instance of PeopleSoft.

Just copy your shortcut to App Designer, and change the command line to look something like this:

<PS Home>\pside.exe -CT <Database Type> -CS <Server/Database Name> -CD <Database Name> -CO <Username> -CP <Password>

PS Home — you shouldn’t have to change this if you copy a shortcut that already works
Database Type — ORACLE for an Oracle database
Server/Database Name — The name of the database or instance of PeopleSoft
Database Name — Same as the Server/Database Name
Username — The username you want to login with
Password — The password for that username

Security Warning —
You may want to limit this to Demo instances where no sensitive data exists. You are leaving your password available in plain text and bypassing security. If someone gains access to your computer they have your password and the ability to log into the PeopleSoft system with your security.

PeopleTools Tip — App Engine Restart If you get …

PeopleTools Tip — App Engine Restart

If you get an error message like this, you either need to restart the specific instance that abended, or remove the restart row from the table.

PeopleTools 8.46 – Application Engine Server

Copyright (c) 1988-2006 PeopleSoft, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

PSAESRV started service request at 14.19.05 2006-09-19

All Processing Suspended: Restart OPRID=PS, RUNID=AppEngName, PI=499 (108,503)

PSAESRV completed service request at 14.19.05 2006-09-19

Disable Restart:
You can disable the restart on the properties of the application engine, but that will not help when the Application Engine has already abended. Remember, the disable restart prevents the app engine from writing to the restart table when the program abends; it does not prevent it from checking the table to see if another instance is waiting to restart.

In other words, once an application has abended, disable restart will not allow you to rerun the program without restarting.

The restart status is stored in the record AERUNCONTROL. If you receive the message requiring you to restart instead of rerun, then there is a row in this table for the program you are running and the run control that you are using.

PROCESS_INSTANCE — instance that abended
OPRID — your user name
RUN_CNTL_ID — run control used when it abended
AE_APPLID — Application Engine program name

Fixing the Error:
To fix the error, you either have to delete the row from the table or restart the original process instance that abended.


Ray pointed out that PeopleSoft has provided an online way to fix the problem. You can do it from the page: PeopleTools > Application Engine > Manage Abends

Deleting the Row:

If you are the only one with an abended program, you can just truncate the whole table:


Or, if you want to just affect your program, you can do something more like this:


Tip — PeopleTools: Tablespaces What happens when…

Tip — PeopleTools: Tablespaces

What happens when you decide to create a new record and PeopleSoft asks you which tablespace to use, but the tablespace you want is not in the list?

Solution: Insert a Row into the PeopleTools System Catalog table.

As far as I know, PeopleSoft offers no other way of adding tablespaces as options.

Insert Statement:

More Information on Tablespaces
PeopleTools tables: PSTBLSPCCAT

Tip — Other Tools: Toad Installation Issue Just …

Tip — Other Tools: Toad Installation Issue

Just recently, we installed the free version of Toad on a development VMWare server. After logging in, we received two error messages:

Access violation at address 00000000. Write of address 00000000.


Error loading SPServer.

I found the fix for these error messages at:

Basically, you must turn off Data Execution Prevention for Toad.

  • Go to the System Properties:
    Control Panel, System or Start Key+Pause/Break Key
  • On the Advanced tab, click the Settings under Performance
  • On the Performance Options, go to the Data Execution Prevention tab
  • You should see selected: “Turn on DEP for all Programs and Services except those I select”
  • Click the Add button, and browse to the Toad executable.
    Probably: c:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle FREEWARE\Toad.exe
  • Choose Ok/Apply for all the Windows and try to run Toad again.

Tip — PeopleTools: Application Engine Logging Ap…

Tip — PeopleTools: Application Engine Logging

Application Engines have the ability to write to the “Redirected Terminal Output”. But, everything that is written into it must be written with a MessageBox command. That results in a blank line between messages and the infamous message set ids at the end.

If you want any formatting at all you should open a file and use the File object to create the file.

First, declare the variable in every PeopleCode program in your App Engine:

Component File &logFile;

Declare the variable as a component or global variable so that it stays around for the life of the App Engine program. Otherwise, you will have to keep reopening the file to write to it in each PeopleCode step.

Second, create an Init step in the Main section that will open the file:

&logFile = GetFile(GetEnv(“PSPRCSLOGDIR”) “\logFile.txt”, “W”, %FilePath_Absolute);

PSPRCSLOGDIR is the environment variable that is set to the path where the files should go. Every file that is put in this path will be copied to the web server so that the user can see it.

You can use %Filepath_Relative in many cases, but sometimes the relative path does not point to the proper folder, particullarly on older PeopleSoft systems. I have had more success with PSPRCSLOGDIR.

Third, close the file in a step at the end of the Main section:


Finally, write what you want to the file with:

&logFile.writeline(“This is a log statement!”);

You have complete control of this file and can make it say what you want it to.