PeopleSoft Home Subdirectories

Lee requested a list of directories in a default PeopleSoft install.  Here is my two cents, and please add comments to correct or add anything I miss.  Keep in mind that this is just off the top of my head — I don’t know of any references for this information.

  • appserv — home to the Application Server and Process Scheduler Server; location of psadmin where you start, stop, and manage those servers
  • bin — location of all the binary programs such as Application Designer (pside.exe), Data Mover (psdmtx.exe), and so on; also location of SQR (sqrw.exe)
  • cblbina — location of compiled COBOL programs
  • class — location of Java packages
  • crw — location of Crystal Reports that will be run from online
  • data — location of Data Mover Data files that have been or will be loaded into the database
  • doc — location of Word documents used with the Process Scheduler
  • excel — location of Execl documents such as the ExcelToCI utility
  • maint — data mover scripts and such; typically associated with tax updates or bundles
  • nvision — NVision reports
  • PSEMAgent — home of the Enterprise Management Agent, which is the program that crawls the drive and reports installation information to the EMHub and also copies files to and from the home directory with the Hub
  • PSEMViewer — home of a utility application for working with teh EMHub
  • scripts — various data mover scripts typically associatedwith tax updates and bundles
  • sdk — Software Developement Kits for writing external applications that interface with PeopleSoft such as Java and VB kits for accessing Component Interfaces
  • sendmaster — an application for use with testing Integration Broker messaging
  • setup — location of various installers such as the PIA installer and the Database installer that builds the PeopleSoft database in your RDBMS system
  • sqr — location of the SQR reports
  • src — location of various source code; COBOL source code is the most prominent
  • tuxedo — home of the tuxedo application used by Application Designer, the Application Server, etc
  • verity — home of the Verity Search Engine used by PeopleBooks and the Portal Menu search
  • webserv — home of the PIA, which is the online web application that talks with the Application Server and sends the HTML to the browser for the application
  • winword — location of Word documents used with Process Scheduler

9 thoughts on “PeopleSoft Home Subdirectories

  1. Interesting list.
    However, stricto sensu, “tuxedo” should not be there. It is not coming within the Peoplesoft installer, and in many cases, it is even installed outside the PS_HOME to make a share point between different PS_HOME installation easier.
    Furthermore, again on “tuxedo”, do you know when it is involved by AppDesigner ?

    For “bin”, I would also add about the ftpunx (for Unix/Linux) used by the process scheduler for ftp’ed the reports.
    I would add a very important folder, “jre” (a symbolic link on Unix/Linux) to jre.
    Also a folder “log” for installer log and some other cases.

    The is also a folder “dict” and “etc”, not sure about what they are, need to investigate.
    An other interesting one, Database Vault related, “secvault”.

    Lastly, and not at least, they are not folder, but key points of the PS_HOME, two files : and (again only on Unix/Linux).

  2. Nicolas,

    Thank you for the additions.

    Are you sure about the tuxedo directory? I haven’t noticed at what point the tuxedo directory was created, but I am looking at an installation where the Tuxedo home directory is E:beaTuxedo9.1 and still there is a tuxedo directory in PeopleSoft Home.

    One thing I noticed somewhere (can’t remember if it was this installation or another one) is that I needed that directory to run Application Designer. I tried to copy just the bin directory to a client PC and run pside.exe from that directory. It complained about tuxedo, but when I copied the tuxedo directory right next to it, it ran fine.

    Again, thanks for the comments.

  3. Hi, about tuxedo, I have several installations here, and tuxedo directory is not part of PS_HOME without throwing any problem. Moreover, it has never been required for an installation on client workstation (what ever the 2 or 3 tier connection).

  4. I don’t know what to guess on our tuxedo directory. I just checked another installation thinking that maybe it was a new thing, but I found it on this 8.46 version.

    I found only two subfolders in the directory: locale and udataobj

    I wonder if it is a Unix versus Windows thing?

  5. To expand upon that list, you might also indicate what important files are in which directory. For example, “appserv” contains “psappsrv.cfg”, which non-developers sometimes need to consult read-only for details to use in Configuration Manager.

  6. It may also be worth mentioning which folders you need to copy locally to run 2-tier. From recollection it is just ‘bin’, though in order to log in 3-tier you also need ‘tuxedo’. In order to run Change Packager, you also need ‘JRE’ and ‘CLASS’.

    1. Sorry. I lost track of this comment, and you have probably already figured out how to run config manager.

      In case you haven’t, Configuration Manager is pscfg.exe in the binclientwinx86 directory.

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