This is a continuation of my virtual PeopleSoft installation. In this step, we will discuss how to install the PeopleTools home filesystem. To see the complete list of steps, click here.
Now, we come to the main PeopleTools install. This should create the File sytem. Download and extract the CDs to your virtual system. Linux has an unzip command that will extract the CDs if you need it.
When you are finished, you should have a directory for each of the 7 disks. Go ahead and open a terminal and change directories into the first disk. There you should see a setup.exe and a setup.linux.

Later we will use wine to run the Windows version (wine setup.exe), but now we need the Linux option. First, you need to make sure that the file is executable. So, run the command:
chmod +x setup.linux
Then, run the program

Give it some time and you should see the first page of the installation wizard.

The next step is to enter the license code. You can use the codes from here. (One little trick that helped me read the font on the page with is to use the zoom feature. On Firefox and IE7 you can press Ctrl plus (+) to zoom in.)

Next, choose unicode or non-unicode. I plan to use only English, and so, I chose non-unicode.

Next, choose all of the options to install. The plan is to install everything into the same instance.

Next, choose the home directory that you created earlier.

Next, choose whether or not to install the ERP connectors. I chose no just because I didn’t think I would use them.

Next, choose the directory that you installed Tuxedo into. For me, this was /home/pshr/bea/tuxedo91.

Next, accept the default for the Environment Management.

Next, select the default as far as what features to install. You want both PeopleTools and the System Database.

Now, just review the options.

Then, the installer will begin its work.

If all goes well, you should get a success screen after a while. It took my laptop about 3 hours.

When you are done, you will need to add the to profile. You can do so with:
su –
ln -s /home/pshr/pshome/ /etc/profile.d/
You also need to edit the file:
gedit /home/pshr/pshome/
Make sure that you change the PS_HOSTTYPE from unknown to redhat-x-ia32.

Hi, I’m installing PS8.48 into UBUNTU environment.
When I ran I got the message “cd: 10: can’t cd to appserv”… then I went to appserv directory and I got this message.
ricardo@ricardolaptop:~/PT8.48/appserv$ ./psadmin
./psadmin: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCPP_3.2.2′ not found (required by ./psadmin)
./psadmin: /usr/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.2′ not found (required by ./psadmin)
./psadmin: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCPP_3.2′ not found (required by ./psadmin)
help me pleaseeeeeee, thank you very much in advance.
I found this link:
From what it suggests, you might try installing:
apt-get install gcc make binutils libaio1 gawk ksh libc6-dev rpm libmotif3 alien lsb-rpm libtool
I am assuming that this command is what loads the libraries that would include glibcpp, etc.
Thank you very much for your request.
I have the Oracle environment and its works fine, my problem is find the pside.exe equivalent in Ubuntu…
I will would work in wine… but my Oracle instance is in Ubuntu not in wine plataform… the question would be…
Do you know pside.exe equivalent in Ubuntu or do you know how can I read the database installed in Ubuntu if I have the Application Designer in wine?
Thank you very much!!!
Unfortunately, no alternative for PeopleSoft’s Application Designer exists. Pside is a proprietary application written for a proprietary database. So, no one can write an alternative for it.
So, you have to install Wine (a Windows emulator, which will allow you to run Windows programs on Ubuntu).
Here are some links that might help in installing Wine:
Note, pside will not work unless you have built the PeopleSoft database using Data Mover. Make sure that you have done that as well.