Category: Uncategorized

PeopleTools Tip: PeopleCode Dump

Application Designer has an option to search through the text of the code, but it takes way too long to search the whole system on a regular basis. Thankfully, Application Designer also has a way to dump all of the code to a text file.

From Application Designer, choose Edit > Find In…

Next, enter a semicolon(;) for the search text and check the option “Save PeopleCode to File”

Important: This will take a long time and a lot of memory to finish. So, increase your virtual memory and let it run overnight. If you have a team of developers, have one person do the dump and put it on a network location where everyone can view it.

If you don’t enough memory, you may get an error message like this:

If so, go to the control panel and open the System icon.  Go to the Advanced tab and click the Settings button under performance.  Under the “Advanced” tab in the performance options dialog, change the virtual memory.  The steps to increase the memory might be slightly different depending on your flavor of Windows.

PeopleCode Decoder

Ok, I have seen this several places, but I have link it here too:  A java program has been written that will read PeopleCode from a PeopleSoft database.

Download it here

Here are the blogs where I have seen this

PeopleSoft/Oracle Tips (describes how to compile it)

PeopleSoft Pros (I think this is where I first saw it)


David L. Price’s Blog

It looks like the program was created with information from PeopleCode Secrets.

I would love to create a project on SourceForge for this code.  There are so many things that you could do with it.  I would love to index the PeopleCode in the system to make searching and refactoring easier.  Oh well, maybe one day.

Application Designer Automation

In going through the registry, I found a reference to “PeopleSoft.ApplicationDesigner”.  But, I cannot find any documention on how to use it.

I was able to create an object in WScript:

var obj = new ActiveXObject("PeopleSoft.ApplicationDesigner");

But, I cannot figure out what methods to use with the obj variable.

I posted a question on Oracle Mix, but no one has answered, yet.  Jim Marion has pointed out Grey Sparling Solutions, but I haven’t found any information there.  I really like some of the solutions they have created — they are very innovative.

Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to get more information.

ORA-01502: Indexes in unusable state

I kept getting error messages like this:

ORA-01502: index 'SYSADM.PS_PSAESTMTDEFN' or partition of such index is in unusable state

I found the answer to the problem here:

ORA-01502 Oracle Index in Unusable State

As Katie mentioned in the comments, the status in 10g is UNUSABLE instead of INVALID.

Here is a quick script to rebuild all of the problem indexes:

   for index_rec in (select owner, index_name
                     from dba_INDEXES
                     where status = 'UNUSABLE')
      execute immediate 'alter index ' || index_rec.owner || '.' ||
          index_rec.index_name || ' rebuild';
   end loop;

Move a Tablespace

This may be pointless, but maybe some of the SQL may help someone.  It is an attempt at boiling all the steps from another post into one SQL script.  The rename at the end didn’t seem to work for some reason, and I didn’t want to put any more time into it.


  tblName varchar(25);

  tempName varchar(25);

  segmentCount number(10);

  osOutput number(3);


   tblName := 'AAAPP';

   dbms_output.put_line('Moving tablespace: ' || tblName);

   tempName := tblName || 'NEW';

   dbms_output.put_line('Using temporary tablespace: ' || tempName);

   select count(*) into segmentCount from dba_segments

   where tablespace_name = tblName;

   dbms_output.put_line('Currently ' || segmentCount || ' segments');

   execute immediate 'create tablespace ' || tempName ||

       ' datafile ''e:\oradata\HCM90\' || tempName || '.DBF''' ||

       ' size 10m ' ||

       ' extent management local autoallocate ' ||

       ' segment space management auto ';

   execute immediate 'ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ''e:\oradata\HCM90\' ||


   for index_rec in (select owner, segment_name

                     from dba_segments

                     where segment_type = 'TABLE'

                     and tablespace_name = tblName)


      execute immediate 'alter table ' || index_rec.owner || '.' ||

          index_rec.segment_name || ' move tablespace ' || tempName;

   end loop;

   for index_rec in (select owner, table_name, column_name

                     from dba_lobs

                     where tablespace_name = tblName)


      execute immediate 'alter table ' || index_rec.owner || '.' ||

          index_rec.table_name || ' move lob(' || index_rec.column_name ||

          ') store as (tablespace ' || tempName || ')';

   end loop;

   select count(*) into segmentCount from dba_segments

   where tablespace_name = tblName;

   dbms_output.put_line('Now ' || segmentCount || ' segments');

   execute immediate 'alter tablespace ' || tblName || ' offline';

   execute immediate 'drop tablespace ' || tblName;

   execute immediate 'alter tablespace ' || tempName || ' rename to ' || tblName;

   dbms_output.put_line('Renaming ' || tempName || ' to ' || tblName);

   dbms_pipe.pack_message('cmd /c del e:\oradata\HCM90\' || tblName || '.DBF');

   osOutput := dbms_pipe.send_message('HOST_PIPE');

   dbms_output.put_line('Deleted e:\oradata\HCM90\' || tblName || '.DBF -- ' || osOutput);


HCM90: More Tablespace Sizing

There is a fix out to reduce the database size:

  • Financials: 704935
  • HRMS: 704332
  • Portal: 704763

The only difference between the changes in the fix and what I had previously done,  is the blocksize setting.  As far as I could tell, it really didn’t make a sizeable impact.  What did make a difference was changing the properties on the other tablespaces besides the index tablespace.

Below I have listed some SQL and such that I used to shrink the database and move segments from the tablespaces.

Read More

Updated: PeopleTools Tables

Here is just a quick post to let you know that I have added a few more tables to the PeopleTools Tables page:


These tables are related to HTML definitions.  I was using them to check to make sure that I have all of the HTML definitions that I have created in my project.

Here is a link to the page:

HowTo: Creating IScripts

Step 1: WEBLIB_ record

You must put your PeopleCode on a record that begins with “WEBLIB_”. You can either create one or add onto an existing record that meets that naming convention.

Step 2: Create the PeopleCode Function

The function name should start with “IScript_”.


You can use the %Response to create the output HTML, XML, or other format. The Write function is the main function that you will use:

%Response.Write("<b>Hello, World</b>");


You can use the %Request object to read parameters that were sent to the script. For example, if the URL had “?EMPLID=00001” at the end of it, you could use the following PeopleCode to read it:

&emplid = %Request.GetParameter("EMPLID");

Step 3: Security

You must grant security to your IScript before you can view it. This is done on the Permission List just like the security for a regular page.

Nagivation to the Permission Online:

PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists

Go to the WebLibraries page/tab.

On that page, you will need to enter the record name of the script. Then, click on the Edit link to choose the specific IScript that you wish to grant access.

Step 4: Determine the URL

The URL for a component looks something like this:

… /c/MenuName.ComponentName.Market

The URL for an IScript looks something like this:

… /s/RecordName.FieldName.Event.FunctionName

See PeopleBooks for more information.

Step 5: Register Your IScript

If an end-user should access the IScript, you need to put a content reference in the menu for easy access. You can do so, by registering your script through the registration wizard. If you just intend to access the script via code, you don’t need to do this step.

When you open a record that begins with “WEBLIB_”, you will notice a new button on the toolbar for the registration wizard. Just click that button and follow the steps.

See PeopleBooks for more information.


These resources may not be as relevant: