I started an article with my notes on getting PUM running over 2 years ago, but I never followed through on it. Now, everything is changed, and I’m starting over.
So, here’s my notes on getting HCM PUM 22 running.
The biggest mistake I had was thinking that I need to run the setup script on my host. No, the setup script gets run in the VM through a shared folder. The only part I had to do was to create the shared folder in the VM configuration.
I have trouble remembering how to get to the home page. So, here’s the link:
Step 1
I unzipped the first zip file only. In Ubuntu, it automatically creates a folder to extract into. So, I just moved the rest of the zip files into that folder so they are beside the contents of the first zip.
I imported VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL.ova into Virtualbox. (I just double clicked on it, and it opened with Virtualbox automatically.)
Important: Before booting, check the settings.
1. Make sure that the network tab is setup correctly. It is automatically configured for a host only network, but you have to pick which one. I only have one in my Virtualbox configuration, so it automatically selected it for me.
2. I added shared folder to dpks path. This is the path where I unzipped the first zip file and I also had all of the other zip files in the same folder.
Step 2
Answering questions…
I started the machine in Virtualbox. During the boot process, it asks all of the questions needed to configure the machine.
These are just my notes.
1. Set the Unix (root/administrator) password
2. Entered Y for DHCP
3. Entered Y for manually setting hostname
entered ps.digitaleagle.net
Y to confirm answers
Y to security warning
From here, I did several checkpoints on the disk space. It takes a lot of space. (You have the zip files on the host, a copy on the guest, and a copy extracted on the guest.)
Check point at downloading DPKs:
3.2G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk1.vmdk
36G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk2.vmdk
35M VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk3.vmdk
41M VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk4.vmdk
4. Accepted default for database name HR92U022
5. Connect ID: people (default)
6. connect id password : peop1e
7. app server domain connection password: left blank
8. WebLogic Server Admin Password: Weblog1c
y to happy with answers
y to continue with default initialization process
3.2G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk1.vmdk
44G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk2.vmdk
4.7G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk3.vmdk
41M VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk4.vmdk
Checkpoint at boot login:
4.4G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk1.vmdk
44G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk2.vmdk
15G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk3.vmdk
31G VBOX_8_55_14_SHELL-disk4.vmdk
I keep forgetting the port and everything, so I thought I would write it down:
Remember that you specify the IP address when you signon. If you need to look it up, you can use the “ifconfig” command on the image.
Also, I added the following two lines to my /etc/hosts file:
#for PeopleSoft VM Image ps.digitaleagle.net
On Windows, that file is located at c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
After that change, you can use:
Here are a few passwords that might be helpful:
- OS user — psadm1: 0radmin
- OS user — psadm2: 0radmin
- OS user — psadm3: 0radmin
- OS user — oracle: oracle
- Database User — SYSADM: SYSADM
- PeopleSoft User — PS: PS
Note that the psadm# users’ password starts with a numeric zero and not the letter “o”. Also, remember that the database user password is case-sensitive, so use all caps.
Don’t forget that during the first boot questions you specify the password for the OS root user and both the username and password for the connect ID in the database.
This time around, it forced me to change the psadm# passwords when I tried to login with them. For some reason, it wouldn’t accept any of the passwords that I picked. So, I logged in with root and changed them …
passwd psadm1
Network Share
The machine does have a samba share. You can get the DB and PeopleTools client from the network share.
Getting into the database
Remember the database is installed with the schema SYSADM. The password for that schema is also SYSADM. You can use the su command to change to the oracle user, and then sqlplus will be on your path. So, this will get you into the database:
su - oracle sqlplus SYSADM/SYSADM
If you need DBA privileges, you can change it to this:
su - oracle sqlplus / as sysdba
If you look in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora, you will find the service name, database name, hostname, and that the listener is listening on port 1522. (Or, you can run a tnsping.)
If you need it, this SQL will find the service name.
select value from v$parameter where name='service_names';
Shutting Down
To turn off the virtual machine, use the poweroff command. If you need to, you can use “su -” to get to the root user so you have security to run it.
Adding an Internet Connection
This time around, I have only messed with the host only network connection. The disadvantage is that I don’t have access to the Internet to install packages, etc.
To get to the Internet, I need a NAT connection (or one set to bind). So, I added a secondary connection in the Virtualbox settings.
Next, I had to work to get it to use the new interface. On an older image, I had to add the interface config file:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth1 vi ifcfg-eth1
Now, I edited the file to change eth0 to eth1. On a newer image, the file already existed; I just had to set the ONBOOT option to “yes” and add the BOOTPROTO line to match the eth0 file.
To make it take effect, I restarted the network service.
sudo service network restart
Installing Graphical Interface
Again, I have not messed with a graphical environment on this install. These notes are from a long time ago. If you prefer to have a GUI where you can do stuff in the host easier, you can install an actual desktop.
First, I had to add the yum repository.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-el5.repo yum list
I also needed the extras repository. I checked my version (it was 5.10):
lsb_release -i -r
Then, I installed the repo with:
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-5*.rpm
Then, I installed the desktop packages:
yum groupinstall "X Window System" Desktop "General Purpose Desktop" Xfce
Finally, I changed /etc/inittab…
vi /etc/inittab
I changed “id:3:initdefault:” to “id:5:initdefault:” (switched the 3 for a 5).
After rebooting, I got to a graphical login screen.
These are other packages that I installed for the XCFE desktop if the group doesn’t work.
yum install xfce4-session \ xfce4-panel \ xfce4-settings \ gtk-xfce-engine \ xfce-utils \ xfce4-settings
At some point I need these for installing guest additions. It’s probably not needed any more.
yum install kernel-uek-devel dkms gcc make automake autoconf