Nicolas Gasparato wrote a rather thorough article on the subject of user password, and mostly, I just want to capture a bookmark to it on my blog:
On The Peoplesoft Road: PeopleSoft Passwords
The best way that I have found to change the SYSADM password (the database user that PeopleSoft uses to connect) is to use Data Mover and the change_access_password command.
You can read the official documentation on the command here:
PeopleBooks: change_access_password
The syntax looks something like this:
change_access_password SYSADM1 <new password>;
The first parameter is the Symbolic ID. While it is probably SYSADM1, you can read it from the PSACCESSPRFL table:
select * from PSACCESSPRFL
The second parameter is the new password that you want to use.
The command will both change the password in the database and change the place where PeopleTools stores the password to use when connecting. You will still probably still want to clear the cache and restart the servers including app, batch, and web.
A symbolicid is unique for a given access and oprid.
Just a ss a side note about unicity of symbolicid.
Long long ago, multiple symbolicid have been used to managed multiple applications in one database. This has became an “obsolete” recommandation and strongly advised to use one database per application.
That said, within Peopletools 8.51, multiple symbolicid makes a comeback within the standby database management in psappsrv.cfg/psprcs.cfg. Find out more
Thanks Nicolas.
I had thoughts about exploring using multiple symbolic ids to make refreshing easier. The thought was to maybe have SYSADM1 be the production password, and SYSADM2 be the test/dev password. When we refresh, I would figure out how to change the symbolicid that it used rather than the password.
At this point, I think we are going to stick with change_access_password in the refresh script.