I have been tinkering around with a little Java application I started for running queries against a PeopleSoft database. I was just curious if there was any interest in such an application. Here is a screenshot of what I have so far:
So far the program connects to SQL Server databases and Apache Databases. It runs queries and loads the data into the JTable at the bottom.
I have a SQL “preprocessor” that evaluates the SQL right before it passes it to the database. Currently, the only thing it does is to pull the semi-colon off of the end. But, I plan to have it resolve meta-sql such as %Table() and %CurrentDateIn, etc.
Also, I would like to build SQL tools in that understand the SQL syntax. I would like tools that automatically generate effective date criteria. Another feature would be nice to have where it would join a table into a SQL statement.
Isn’t Oracle SQL Developer the same thing?
Yes, SQL Developer is the same thing, and it is much better at this point.
But, as far as I know, SQL Developer doesn’t understand PeopleSoft. So, for example, if you have a piece of SQL from an Application Engine program, you have to remove all of the meta-sql before you can run it. Application Designer can do that part for you, but then you have to re-add the Meta-SQL before you copy that SQL back into Application Designer. I would like to get this tool to where you don’t have to worry about that.
Also, I thought it would be cool to have the tool join in tables the way Query does. It could generate the effective dating logic. There are a bunch of additional things a SQL tool could do if it understood PeopleTools.
I thought about trying to write a plugin to SQL Developer, but I didn’t see much documentation for that. So, I thought I would start with something from scratch and see how far I got.