Step By Step Virtual PS Install: Application Install

This is a continuation of my virtual PeopleSoft installation.  In this step, we will discuss how to install the Application into the PS Home.  This is necessary for the client programs.  To see the complete list of steps, click here.

The linux version of the Application Install program would not work.  I ran “./setup.linux” and it said that the graphical version did not work.  So, I ran “./setup.linux -console” and it would at least display the welcome message.  But, then when I entered 1 for Next, it would just quit with no error message.

So, I decided to try “wine setup.exe”.  The installer seemed flakey, and so, I used “ps -ef | grep -i java” to determine the java command-line that the program was running.  Then, I ran that command-line.  It looked like this:

java -cp setup.jar -Dtemp.dir=/tmp -Dis.jvm.home=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_16 -Dis.jvm.temp=1 -Dis.launcher.file=/home/pshr/hr-install/setup.linux  -Dis.external.home=/home/pshr/hr-install -Xss2m run

Next, select Linux: Redhat 4 for the operating system.

Now, you get the welcome screen that we were looking for.

Next, enter the license code.  You can get the code from:

Next, choose either Non-unicode or unicode.  This should probably match your PeopleTools installation.

Next, choose all of the pieces for install

Next, enter your PeopleSoft home directory as the install path.  For me, this was /home/pshr/pshome.

Next, enter your Tuxedo installation directory.  For me, this was /home/pshr/bea/tuxedo91.

Next, select all of the products to install.

Finally, review the summary.

Now, you should be installing.

Finally, you should get a success screen when it is done.  For me, it took about an hour to install.

5 thoughts on “Step By Step Virtual PS Install: Application Install

  1. @Digitaleagle, thanks for the info. I got stuck in the same place. I don’t have a Sun JRE installed, so I used the JRE that came with PeopleTools. I still wasn’t able to get the GUI install to run. Here is my command line using -console: /apps/psoft/hrms9/jre1.5.0/bin/java -cp setup.jar -Dtemp.dir=/tmp -Dis.jvm.home=/apps/psoft/hrms9/jre1.5.0 -Dis.jvm.temp=1 -Dis.launcher.file=/media/disk1/setup.linux -Dis.external.home=/media/disk1 -Xss2m run -console

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