This is a continuation of my Windows 8 PeopleSoft Installation. Previously, I installed WebLogic. In this step, I plan to create the application server, batch server, and web server. After this step, we should be able to log into PeopleSoft.
Setting the Environment Variables
Before running anything, we need to setup the environment variables for the machine. You could do this at the command prompt or at the system level. Since this is the only environment that will run on the machine, I am going to do it at the system level.
So, I right clicked on my computer in the File Explorer and chose properties:
Then, I clicked on Advanced System Settings in the left-hand column:
Finally, I clicked Environment Variables…
In the Environment Variables dialog, I added several environment variables:
PS_HOME: I set it equal to the PeopleSoft home directory where I install both the tools and the application CDs.
PS_CFG_HOME: I set this to the same as the PS_HOME variable. This will make it put all of the configuration there. Otherwise, it will try to put the configuration in my home directory (c:\users)
PATH: Of course, the path was already set. I just added the two bin directories to the path — c:\pshome\bin\client\winx86 and c:\pshome\bin\server\winx86. This puts the psadmin program on the path.
Building the App Server
Next, I opened a command prompt as administrator from the File Explorer:
First, you can check the environment variables to make sure that they are setup right:
Next, I launched psadmin. This is the tool we use to administer the application server. At the first menu, choose 1 for Application Server. Then, I choose 2 for Create a domain. It will prompt you for the domain name. I always use the name of the environment/database (unless you are going to have multiple domains).
After supplying a domain name, I choose a template. Because I am the only one using the installation, I am going to choose 1 for the developer template.
Finally, when it asked if I would like to configure the domain name, I chose Yes.
In the configuration, the only thing that I changed was the User Id, UserPswd, and the DomainID. I used PS/PS for the server user, and I used the database name as the Domain ID:
You may want to also consider a few more changes. If you plan to use multiple environments on the same server, you will have to change the port numbers (options 25 – 27). Under “Custom configuration”, you probably want to change the DBFlags parameter from 0 to 8. You probably also want to set the dynamic property to Yes.
After you have everything configured, you can choose option 13 to load the configuration. Finally, try to boot it to make sure everything works. That’s option number 1:
If everything goes well, you should get the number of processes started.
Batch Server
First, make sure that you are in an administrator command-line window. The configuration process will complain about Crystall DLLs, etc if you are not.
To create a new Batch Server, go back to the top level menu in psadmin. Then choose option #2 for Process Scheduler. Again, just like before, you will want to choose option #2 to Create a domain, and enter the new domain name. I just make the name match the database name.
I just changed the User ID and User Password, options 9 and 10. Then, I chose option 3 to load the configuration.
After the configuration is complete, you can boot the process scheduler to make sure that it works.
Web Server
Now, it’s time to create the PIA or the web server. Again, go to the top level menu but choose option #4 for the web server. Then, you can choose option #2 to create a domain.
The configuration looks a little different than the other servers. First, I changed the domain name to match the database (again, optional). The web server root directory should match the path where you installed weblogic.
Now, we just start the web server to test it out. Choose 1 to administer a web server. Then, pick the domain and choose 1 to start it:
It took it a while to boot, but once it was finally booted, I was able to go to http://localhost/ps/signon.html.