This post is a follow up to this thread that I opened. Unfortunately, at this point, I haven’t figured out what I am doing wrong. If you see something, please comment either here or on the thread at Oracle Forums.
I am trying to install the Global Payroll Rules for 856737 and 857845 (both Non-Rule + Rule).
I found that I do this at this navigation: Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Elements > Manage Global Payroll Packages > Apply Rule Package:

I found a little documentation in PeopleBooks.
Then, I put in the path to my scripts directory, saved, and clicked process.

It said the scripts were not found:

But, as far as I can tell, the scripts are in the directory!

Just for kicks and grins, I copied the DAT files into the same directory:

Still no luck!
My next attempt is the try to see if case matters. The files are in lower case in the directory, but on the page the Package ID is uppercase.

That still doesn’t work because it must be an uppercase field:

My problem was the “/” at the end of path. Once I added the “/” it worked!

Then, when I clicked process, it ran the data mover script: