Startup Scripts

Sohan asked about my start up scripts for booting all of the PeopleSoft services.  I have been wanting to document this anyway in case I need it again.

Here is the setup — I had trouble with the Oracle database not starting, and so, I found it easier to start the whole system this way.  The system is a single user VMWare instance, and so, I simply put the main batch file in the Startup folder of the Start menu.

So, here is my main script.  This script just simply calls the other scripts.

@echo off
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting Database
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd /c startDatabase
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting App Server
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd /c startAppServer
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting Batch Server
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd /c startBatchServer
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Starting Web Server
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd /c startWebServer

Here is the startDatabase script:

@echo off
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @startup.sql

You will also need this SQL file to make it work.


Here is the startAppServer script:

@echo off
cd \pshome\appserv
psadmin -c boot -d HCM90

Here is the startBatchServer script:

@echo off
cd \pshome\appserv
psadmin -p start -d HCM90

Here is the startWebServer script — this assumes that you have installed the PIA as a service but set it to Manual start:

@echo off
net start Oracle-HCM90ProcessManager

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